Sunday, February 22, 2015

rezeki twinnies

hmm.. rindunye kat Airin.. dua mlm dah dia tidur dgn She.. tetibe mlm smlm dia xde, rase sunyi je.. xde nangis2 kejutkan She & Riky mintak susu or sbb iyak.. both kitorg berborak je mlm smlm smpai tertidur.. bersembang psl segale yg terjadi mcm dah diatur dgn smooth je.. mcm berhikmah je perancangan Dia..

kitorg rase both of us dah ready nk jadi parent dah.. bersyukur sgt2 dikurniakn twinnies as our kids.. inshaAllah, rezeki Tuhan tu kn maha luas.. kitorg akn cube utk bagi yg terbaik kat diorg.. pngalaman jadi parent mmg buat kitorg matang.. & also buat She realize few things yg unseen b4 this.. She nmpk how's Riky manage himself with figure as a good husband & dad.. sumtin yg b4 this She agk ragu2.. he's really capable of doing daddy's things.. nmpk sgt dia syg ank2 dia.. & She nmpk jgk pengorbanan mama in law yg bertungkus lumus nk bagi yg terbaik utk kitorg berempat.. She sedar tanggungjwb as a parent mmg agk berat & have to be strong to deal with..

utk progress diorg, Airis dah tunjuk sikit improvement.. bantuan pernafasan dah bukak dah.. diorg berdua jaundis & kena jemur bwh for now both of them kat NICU, so She kena pam susu kat uma utk hantar kat diorg.. & alhamdulillah, susu She ade utk twinnies.. inshaAllah cukup.. sampai bengkak susu She jadinye.. bila pam, nmpk mcm deras je susu mengalir, rase cm bersemangat je nk twinnies cpt2 sihat.. to twinnies, be strong.. ibu & aba always here for u both..

baru lps pam susu.. stok utk twinnies kat NICU..

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